Benefits of Craniosacral Massage Therapy
Inconclusive Research
Natural Standard, an organization producing scientific reviews of alternative medicine, has determined that research on craniosacral massage therapy is inconclusive at best, and so far, shows no real benefits. The only significant results are from anecdotal reports.
Pain Relief
A study published in the January 2007 issue of The International Journal of Healing and Caring said that craniosacral massage therapy shows promise for older adults in reducing pain and allowing them to participate more fully in rehabilitation therapy.
Nervous System
Craniosacral massage therapy is purported to enhance central nervous system function and alleviate negative effects of stress and trauma.
Middle Ear Infections
In his book "Spontaneous Healing," Andrew Weil, M.D., states that craniosacral massage therapy is safe and highly effective for recurrent middle ear infections in children.
Additional Benefits
Craniosacral therapy practitioners also state it can alleviate asthma, sleep disorders, migrane headaches, fibromyalgia and anxiety disorders.