How to Take HGH
Things You'll Need
- HGH (powder and diluent) Disposable syringe Alcohol wipes
See your physician for a prescription before embarking on an HGH regimen. You will undergo testing for a clinical hormone deficiency, a condition that affects approximately one in ten thousand individuals, according to Dr Thomas Perls, a Boston University medical professor, as quoted in the New York Times. If you suffer from wasting, due to AIDS, your doctor may comply with your request for HGH.
Find a place with good lighting to prepare the HGH mixture. Since HGH is only viable when sold as a freeze-dried powder, you must combine the powder with diluent before use. Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap and use a new disposable syringe and needle for each injection. If you misplace your mixing instructions, call your doctor or ask your pharmacist to mix it for you.
Select a site for injection that allows you to insert the needle into the fatty layer just below the skin's surface. The abdomen, thighs and buttocks are beneficial spots. Ask your physician or nurse to demonstrate how to give the injections before you take over the process. It is very similar to the insulin injections administered by diabetics on a daily basis.
Administer your HGH injection in the evening. According to, a medical supplier of HGH, it's important to keep track of your injections so as not to miss one or administer more than one per day. For this reason, limiting your injections to the time just before going to bed will help you take the correct dosage.
Hold the vial of HGH upside-down as you withdraw the medication through the needle into your syringe, using the tip of the stopper to measure the correct amount of medication. After removing the needle from the vial, gently tap the syringe with your finger to encourage air bubbles to rise to the top of the needle and carefully push them out.
Wipe the injection spot with a disposable alcohol wipe and pinch approximately a 1-inch section of skin and fat between your thumb and forefinger. Quickly plunge the needle into the fat layer beneath the skin's surface, approximately ¼-inch and depress the plunger fully to inject all of the HGH. Repeat this procedure every night with a new disposable syringe. Never reuse a syringe.