How to Understand the Body's Chakras
The first, or Root, chakra is represented by the colors black or red, and is associated with material issues. A weak root chakra manifests itself in egocentric, self-indulgent behavior, suggesting a weak foundation and essential self.
The second, or Lower Abdomen, chakra represents sexuality and is the center of creativity. A healthy second chakra glows bright orange and encourages us to express emotions in a healthy way.
The third, or Solar Plexus, chakra sits in the center of the body, marrying higher order thoughts and feelings with baser desires from below. This power center is associated with the color yellow.
The fourth, or Heart, chakra is associated with both green and pink, and matters of emotion and expression. The doorway to the heart, this chakra guides our dreams and desires.
The fifth, or Throat, chakra directs self-representation and manifestation. Linked with the soul, the fifth chakra is associated with the color blue.
The sixth, or Third Eye, chakra resides near the forehead, between and slightly above our eyes, providing us psychic awareness and focus. The sixth chakra is associated with the color indigo.
The seventh, or Crown, chakra is the highest in terms of both energy and spiritual importance. The gateway to the Universe and the Divine Source, this chakra guides knowing and divinity, and is associated with both violet and white.