How to Make Affirmations Work
Negative thoughts can be changed and negative beliefs can be altered by using positive affirmations. There are many methods to accomplish this.
Things You'll Need
- Index cards Paper Pen Quiet time Concentration
How to Make Affirmations Work
Decide what you want. Think about your life and what you would have if you could have it; what you could change if you could change it. If you want more money, make this an affirmation. If you want to lose weight, make this an affirmation. Be clear about your goals, and then get ready to make them a reality.
Use the present tense when making your affirmations. Many people make the mistake of saying, "I will be rich." This is only telling your subconscious to work on "eventually." You want your subconscious to make it happen now. By saying, "I am rich," your mind automatically begins working overtime to make it happen as soon as possible because your are speaking in the present rather than the future.
Stay in positive mode. Whether you are writing or speaking your affirmations, always use positive phrases. If your goal is to lose weight, you would say, "I am thin," versus, "I am not fat." The subconscious mind does not relate to negative terms or words such as "not," therefore what it picks up from "I am not fat" is "I am fat." Therefore, you are only affirming your current situation.
Write your affirmations down. Writing them on index cards can be especially helpful because you can post them around the house to look at through the day, or pull them out of your pocket as a reminder while at work. You can also write them on a piece of paper, fifteen times each.
Speak your affirmations. Repeat them as often as you can through the course of your day. Remember, you are changing beliefs that are embedded deep in your subconscious. This will take some work. You may want to repeat them twenty times in the morning when you wake and in the evening before you go to sleep, as well as for five- to ten-minute intervals several times in between. You don't have to necessarily believe in what you are saying, just say it.
Become aware. Once you have begun using affirmations to change your life, begin listening to every word you speak and make yourself aware of every thought you have. If anything negative is thought or spoken, immediately turn the situation around by replacing it with something positive. If you say, "I'm having a bad day," immediately change that to, "Every day is great." After a while you will find that you have completely retrained your mind to think only positive thoughts.
Be persistent. Affirmations can only work if used on a regular basis. If you have set a goal for yourself, you need to attack it like a starving dog would attack a steak; don't stop until you have gotten it. The same is true with affirmations. The more frequently you repeat them, the longer you say them, the quicker you will achieve your goal.