Guided Imagery Scripts for Men
Guided imagery scripts are used to help you concentrate on positive images. This is not only a chemical-free way of stress management, but it can also help reprogram the subconscious into substituting positive behaviors and thoughts for negative ones. This helps a man pay attention to his thoughts, recognize the way he may be constantly insulting himself and learn techniques for making these thoughts more constructive.
Guided imagery scripts can be printed off the Internet or read from a book into a tape recorder to be played back during the meditation time for individuals or read aloud for groups. There are also DVDs and CDs of guided imagery for a variety of purposes, including dealing with stress, quitting smoking and battling cancer. You can also write your own guided imagery script, but it's good to read several existing ones first to get the gist of their content.
Time Frame
Meditating or using your imagination to follow a guided imagery script can take up to an hour or only a few minutes depending on how much time you want to take. Generally, group-guided imagery sessions take longer than sessions for individuals using a guided imagery tape, DVD or CD. Ideally, guided imagery should be done every day.
Over time, a man may become so familiar with a guided imagery script that he can replay it in his head without having to turn on the tape recorder or have someone read it to him. This can help him deal with other problems in his life, changing the images ever so slightly to bring about a desired outcome. Learning the skills for a guided meditation to help bring about needed change in one area of your life can be used for other problems as well.
Guided imagery is not a substitute for doctor's visits or sessions with therapists. For example, impotence could be caused by a medical condition that no amount of positive thinking will cure.