Homeopathic Vet Medicine
Homeopathy usually relies heavily on the feelings and emotions of the patient to determine which medicine is best to treat a particular issue. Because animals can't directly communicate what they're feeling, homeopathic veterinarians often ask a series of questions of the owner to determine the best course of action.
In many cases, veterinarians determine which homeopathic medicine is best by observing how an animal acts and then comparing that to what the owner confirms to be "usual habits." The emotional state of the pet is also important and can be determined by the way they respond to affection, the presence of strangers and their activity level and overall playfulness.
Dosage and Delivery
Homeopathic veterinary medicine is usually not made especially for pets, but instead is adapted from human homeopathic drugs and used in different dosages or concentrations. Most homeopathic medicine is made from plant extracts, although some minerals and animal byproducts are sometimes used. Most are available in liquid form and can be added to the pet's food or water supply. Those in tablet form usually need to be diluted or crushed, since much of the effect of a homeopathic remedy occurs in the mouth.
Homeopathy is used in pets to treat a variety of ailments, from allergies to viral infections. In many cases, homeopathic medicine is used alongside traditional treatment to help animals that don't seem to be responding well to standard drugs. Homeopathy is also widely used in animals that are terminally ill or need long-term care, in which case the medicine is meant to improve quality of life rather than fix the problem.
When it comes to physical conditions, homeopathic medicine can treat many of the same symptoms that traditional veterinarian drugs do, including coughing, diarrhea, wounds, skin conditions and nausea or vomiting. Homeopathy is especially useful for treating emotional disorders, such as anxiety and stress due to changes in the family, travel or the introduction of a new pet.
Expert Insight
Homeopathic medicine should be used only under the care of a veterinarian trained in homeopathy and herbal care, since many of the drugs can be safe to use in one pet but extremely dangerous in others (cats are particularly sensitive to drugs that work perfectly well in dogs). While most of these products can be bought over the counter or on the Internet, a veterinarian should still be consulted to determine the safe dosage and proper administration.