How to Do a One Day Lemon Cleansing Diet
Things You'll Need
- Fresh lemon juice
- Honey
- White pepper
- Spring or distilled water
- Herbal laxative tea (optional)
Combine 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, one tablespoon honey, and a dash of white pepper in one cup of room temperature spring or distilled water. Mix well.
Drink the lemon cleansing diet drink upon waking in the morning. Drink one cup of the solution every one to two hours thereafter for the entire day. Eight to twelve glasses can be safely consumed daily.
Drink one cup of a safe and gentle herbal laxative tea one hour before bed to complete the one day lemon cleansing diet. This step is optional but will help clear out any excess toxins from the intestines and promote colon cleansing.
For the next 5-10 days, drink only water, the lemon cleansing diet drink, and orange juice. Eat fresh fruits, veggies, and lean meats. The one day lemon cleansing diet will clear your body of harmful toxins, but if you follow with a healthy diet plan, you will lose weight and keep your digestive system healthy.