Health Benefits of Tanning

If you have ever been to the dermatologist, then you are probably familiar with the many potential hazards of tanning. The most commonly known hazard, melanoma, causes many deaths each year. However, there are many professionals without and within licensed dermatology that believe that tanning is actually beneficial for your health. While you should always consult a trusted health professional before beginning any type of tanning regimen and avoid sunburn--real or artificial--at all costs, you should be aware that there are a myriad of proven and potential health benefits to tanning.
  1. History

    • Indoor tanning was originally developed in Europe to help people compensate for their lack of sun exposure during winter months. Although it has become largely a cosmetic practice over the past few decades, many people still believe that there are a large number of physical and psychological benefits to tanning indoors or out.


    • When you tan, your skin literally "toasts" under UVA and UVB light from either the sun or an artificial lamp by causing the melanin in your skin to darken. This darkening of pigment not only looks good, but it can help prevent sunburn later because darker skin is more resistant to burning.

    Vitamin D

    • Tanning also gives you a significant dose of vitamin D, which can fortify your immune system for several days.

    Cancer Benefits

    • Some experts believe that tanning can contribute to your resistance to some types of cancer, including breast and colon cancer.

    Higher Self-Esteem

    • Most people experience a sense of confidence and well being immediately after tanning.

    Makes the Skin Look Better

    • Tanning can also help clear up eczema and acne, as well as camouflage scars and stretch marks.

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