Apple Cider Vinegar Health Effects
Apple cider vinegar (acetic acid) is produced by allowing apples to ferment until the substance forms natural alcohol, and then extracting the juice and introducing it to air, which encourages the evaporation of the alcohol and the souring of the liquid. Some types of apple cider vinegar are unstrained, leaving bits of apple residue in the liquid, which creates an opaque look. However, most vinegar sold in grocery stores is strained and pasteurized.
As a natural treatment for sunburn, poison ivy and other minor skin irritations, apple cider vinegar is used full strength or diluted with a little water and applied directly to the affected skin. Due to its high acid level, apple cider vinegar may be helpful in cleansing acne-prone skin as it neutralizes excess oil. After washing, exfoliating or shaving, smooth on diluted apple cider vinegar as a toner to help tighten pores. To remove the odor of vinegar from the skin, a final rinse of plain water is advised.
Apple cider vinegar is even more popular when taken internally, although it may irritate the mouth and throat if swallowed full strength. A safe ratio is to put 2 teaspoons of vinegar into an 8-ounce glass of water and sip it slowly. The concoction is popular for easing constipation and alleviating intestinal gas, for lowering cholesterol and for supplementing dietary fiber, in the form of apple pectin. Being naturally high in potassium, it is also popular in blood pressure and heart treatments. Many homemade and store-bought vaginal douches contain vinegar and women find it beneficial during yeast-infection outbreaks.
One of the most popular modern uses for apple cider vinegar is in the area of weight loss. Dieters drink three glasses as prepared above during the course of a day, preferably before meals. WebMD cites a 2005 study in which subjects consumed a small amount of vinegar along with a small snack and reportedly felt fuller than subjects who ate the snack without the vinegar. The Apple Cider Vinegar Diet is sweeping the nation. (See Resources)
Despite the widespread use of apple cider vinegar, some users might experience side effects. Since the liquid is high in acid content, swallowing it undiluted may cause mouth and throat irritations. If consumed in large quantities, heartburn, nausea and vomiting may result.