About Thyroid Tissue Dietary Supplements
The thyroid is a part of the endocrine system, which is the system responsible for the body's slow developing processes, such as growth. The endocrine system is composed of the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, the thyroid and parathyroids, the adrenals, the pineal body, and the ovaries and testes, as well as the hormonal secretion activity of the pancreas.
When the thyroid's function becomes compromised, either through a disorder or surgery, thyroid tissue supplements can help to restore thyroid cells and function. Thyroid supplementation may be beneficial to people suffering from toxic adenomas, subacute thyroiditis, Graves' disease, cancerous growths, pituitary-gland disorders and various causes and forms of hypothyroidism. For example, hypothyroidism can result from the surgical removal of the thyroid or from too much iodide.
Thyroid tissue dietary supplements are composed of extracts of the thyroid endocrine gland that may help to restore energy levels and increase metabolism. They may also help treat cold feet and hands, restlessness and sluggishness. Thyroid tissue dietary supplements are composed of raw thyroid tissue, as specialized and differentiated cells usually migrate to the sites within the body where similar cells exist. It is hoped that these raw cells will replenish the compromised thyroid and help return its function to a near-normal level.
Thyroid tissue dietary supplements typically contain common ingredients in addition to thyroid tissue, such as pituitary, thymus, spleen, and adrenal tissues, and they may be complemented by a source of iodine essential for thyroid function, such as kelp, as well as other nutrients for overall thyroid health.
Thyroid tissue dietary supplements are available in capsule form, for easy digestion and daily intake. More than 20 million people in the United States suffer from some form of thyroid disease, which may account for the high levels of fatigue, lack of sleep, and weight concerns among the American population.The supplements actually compensate for the underperforming thyroid by supplying the body with the nutrients normally produced in the thyroid, to help it perform properly.
The thyroid gland's function is very important to the body, and it can also be easily affected by many physical and mental factors. The thyroid can easily become compromised from too much dieting, trauma, labor and delivery, and stressful events, such as the death of a relative. When the thyroid is unable to recuperate and operate at its normal levels, supplements may be used to restore functionality to the gland.
Thyroid tissue dietary supplements have helped eliminate the symptoms of low energy and cold feet and hands in some people, and have restored their hormonal levels. They have also improved mood and lowered irritability, and can increase energy in some people. They have relieved joint pain and lessened levels of stress in people who take them.
As with all supplements, especially if you have pre-existing conditions or are on medication, consult your health-care provider prior to incorporating thyroid tissue dietary supplements into your daily regimen.