History of the Chair Massage
Massaging someone while they are seated certainly has been going on since humans first began to massage each other. Ancient block prints in Japan show ancient healers massing on their patients who sat on low stools. Many early massage modalities included at least some techniques where the client was in a seated position.
In 1895 J.H. Kellogg wrote the manual "The Art of Massage," which is still used in massage schools today. Because of his scientific and comprehensive manual Kellogg was called the father of massage therapy. In his manual he covers many techniques, including ones that can be used while the client is seated.
The modern roots for chair massage began in the 1980's. First with Kathryn Hansom-Spice in Washington DC. In 1981, she began teaching seated massage techniques for special populations at the Potomac Massage Training Institute. This program became the model for other massage schools around the country. Around the same time Jeanna St. John in Santa Cruz, California began teaching seated acupressure as a treatment for handicapped children.
In 1986 David Palmer, a massage therapist in California, created the first chair designed specifically for performing chair massages. David Palmer popularized the concept of chair massage with his article "A Brief History of Chair Massage" in Positive Health Magazine in 1998. As a massage therapist he began using chair massage to educate the public on the benefits of massage. Using chair massage he was able to build his client base for his practice.
Corporations such as Apple computer began offering chair massage to their employees. In 1993 the Massage Bar in Seattle Washington developed a special chest and head support that could be placed on a tabletop. This allows the client to sit in a normal chair and lean forward against the desktop cradle device for treatment. It is extremely lightweight and mobile. Some massage therapist are now building their practices completely around chair massage and not just using it as a tool to bring clients to their offices.
Chair massage continues to grow in popularity. Kiosks where chair massage can be performed in public are opening in malls and airports. Many massage therapists take their massage chairs with them to conventions and health fairs to introduce massage therapy to new clients. Because chair massages are shorter, cost less, and can be performed anywhere it has made massage therapy more accessible.