How to Cure Herpes With Enzymes
Determine if you want to consult an Enzyme Specialist before beginning enzyme therapy. It is strongly recommended that you speak with a doctor before beginning any new treatment since certain OTC medications and supplements can have adverse reactions with other medications and supplements you may currently be taking. If you are interested in seeing a specialist, the Theramedix Website offers a list of consultants and practitioners in your area. See the Resources section for a link.
Choose the enzyme supplements that are right for you. The three major types of enzymes are metabolic, digestive and food enzymes. Metabolic enzymes allow for detoxification and energy production by controlling the speed at which chemical reactions occur. Digestive enzymes aid in the absorption of nutrients into the blood stream and allow for waste removal. Food enzymes come from raw food that contains digestive enzymes. It is recommended that you work with a specialist to determine what, if any, enzyme supplements are right for you.
Decide how you want to take your enzyme supplements. They can be taken orally or by injection. Most people prefer to take them orally. However, if you would like an injection, you will need to have it done by the Enzyme Specialist.
Purchase the enzyme supplements. If you have a prescription, your insurance may cover part or all of the costs. Check with your insurance company for their policy on enzyme therapy. If you do not have a prescription, the Theramedix website offers a variety of enzyme supplements.
Start taking the enzyme supplements. Follow the directions given by the Enzyme Specialist and/or the Theramedix Website.