About Alternative Treatments for Cerebral Palsy
While standard treatments like drug therapy, surgeries and physical and occupational therapy are still the primary source of medical intervention, more patients and their parents are turning toward alternative treatments. Since there is no cure for cerebral palsy, treatment options are geared toward easing the symptoms to help the patient have a more "normal" life experience. Physical therapy, for example, helps to decrease muscle spasticity and improve tone. Occupational therapy is geared toward fine motor skills and activities of daily living. Another form of therapy is the Alexander Technique, which theorizes that movement problems are the result of poor muscular "habits." In this type of therapy, practicing simple movements helps to increase agility and ability. There are also many different types of drug therapy available.
According to a study being completed by the University of Arizona in collaboration with the Beijing Children's Hospital in China, standard CP care in the United States is highly ineffective. In fact, the Chinese use a package of "intensive standard care" in combination with alternative therapies, including acupuncture. The standard care package uses physical, occupational, and hydro therapy. The Chinese claim that this approach offers better results than the standard care used in the US, based purely on anecdotal evidence. Doctors are treating patients in China and the US with a combination of acupuncture, deep massage, physical and occupational therapy, along with hydrotherapy. They will combine data from both countries to determine the effectiveness of this treatment package, and if positive results are found, this will help to direct future research in CP treatments.
Most people think Botox is just for helping to minimize those stray lines on the faces of the rich and famous by paralyzing the muscles below the skin, but it's also an effective alternative therapy for cerebral palsy. Botox is injected directly into the muscles to block the transfer of acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a chemical in the nerve cells that carries information through the spaces between nerve cells. The injection helps to relieve spasticity in the muscles. Doctors started using Botox therapy in the 1990s, finding that children with CP experienced more relaxed muscles, reduced spasticity and increased range of motion with continued therapy.
Cranial sacral therapy involves hands-on, light massage to the head and spine. This is thought to help steady the patient's gait and align the body. Conductive education is another alternative therapy that focuses on teaching CP patients certain social skills and problem solving skills, which helps them to lead more productive and independent lives. Therapeutic Electrical Stimulation requires that a patient wear electrodes (on atrophied muscles) to bed at night. The electrodes send tiny energy impulses to the muscles, but do not actually cause the muscle to contract. This stimulates the muscle growth by increasing blood flow. Amino acid therapy was developed by Professor Alexander Khokhlov, a Russian professor of biochemistry and neurology. Khokhlov studied the effects of amino acid therapy on 84 infants with CP for two years, learning that a good percentage of them experienced improved muscle tone. His study also concluded that even after discontinuing the therapy, the effects could still be seen three months later. The practice is used today primarily in Russia, but is also being used in certain clinics in New Zealand, Czech Republic, England and Cyprus. Dance therapy is becoming increasingly popular with CP patients. The idea behind this therapy is that music and movement help increase coordination and physical development as the patient develops a sense of rhythm. Plus, proponents say, dance therapy helps patients express their emotions and develop communication skills. It's considered especially effective for cerebral palsy patients because it helps them practice using their limbs in coordination in a pleasurable and healthy way.
It's important to recognize that CP is not a disease and that it cannot be transmitted from person to person. There is no cure for cerebral palsy, but scientists are working to help to relieve the symptoms. When conventional methods fail, some doctors are taking more aggressive steps to help their patients relieve their symptoms. For example, some patients have orthopedic surgery to correct bone structure or placement. Other physicians have performed surgery to cut the nerves to spastic muscles. This helps to relieve spasticity by relaxing the muscle and reduces pain, but can cause numbness. This type of treatment is only used in the most severe cases.