How to Make Your Own Sauna
Create a sauna like experience and benefit from steam,
Things You'll Need
- Chaise lounge
- Bathroom
- 3 qt. pot
- water
- towels
Place a summer lounge chair in the bathroom if there is room. Turn on water and put shower on hottest setting for about 5 minutes. Close bathroom doors while steam builds. Let the tub fill. This should give you good head of steam. Enter quickly and lay on the chaise lounge, inhaling deeply.
To loosen congestion add vicks to your chest first. Take child into steamy bathroom has long been tip given by doctors to calm croupy cough.
Remain in the steam for at least 5-10 minutes. You can add more steam to the room by running hot water more. AFterwards you can let water cool and while still as hot as you can stand take a 30 minute soak. This will help you sweat out toxins. You can even add some epsom salts or gingeroot slices to aid detoxification of body.
If you prefer a sauna just for your face; heat a 3 qt. saucepan of water to boiling. Remove with cooking mittens to the nearest table; being careful to not spill or scald yourself. Place a towel over you head and lean over bowl of steam. This is very useful for opening facial pores. Do not get to close to steam, as it can burn skin.
Add eucalyptus oil for decongesting. -
So you don't want a full sauna or face sauna here is an alternative. Use a humidifier. Add eucalyptus to the water to aid in decongestion. Add lavender essence to add in sleep. There are reports that this aids in breaking some snoring patterns.
If these methods are not adequate then check out the rates at your local gym or spa and consider paying for full sauna treatment. Some beauty schools offer spa services.