About Polarity Massages
Polarity therapy and massage was created by Dr. Randolf Stone, a doctor of osteopathic medicine (D.O.), chiropractic (D.C) and naturopathic medicine (N.D). His first published book, Energy in 1947 was about holistic teachings. By 1954 he had published 7 more books on the subject.
After much traveling, teaching and learning from medical and holistic practitioners around the world he believed that each cell in the human body has a magnetic or polarized field.
He believed this force of energy could be directed to create health. Throughout his life he expanded on his main belief and in 1984 an group of people got together to create the national organization known as American Polarity Therapy Association.
There are 3 types of energetic poles that run through ones body. These lines of current are energy fields. The first line runs east to west.
The second line of energy runs north to south and the last line is an outward spiral that starts at the navel and weaves its way throughout the body.
Polarity massage uses gentle physical stimulation to balance out these energies within the body. Polarity therapy also combines physical stimulation with detoxification and simple exercise. All these items incorporated together can create better health.
To achieve maximum health and wellness through polarity massage a patient must undergo a combination of 4 elements in one treatment. These are vital to polarity massage and therapy. The four parts are bodywork, diet, exercise and self-awareness.
Body work is the gentle massage part of polarity therapy. This massage is used to balance out the energies already in the body. They can be positive, negative or neutral. The touch of massage is then used to place these essential energies back to where they should be.
Diet is the detoxification of the body. This element in polarity massage is prescribed by the polarity therapist and is used to cleanse the body of impurities.
Exercise for polarity therapy is stretching, meditation and breathing as ways to re-balance your body and your body's energies.
Self-awareness is also incorporated in polarity therapy and massage. The massage therapist working with you will work with you to identify your health goals. They will also help you find identify where everyday stressors come from in order to manage or eliminate them.
The effects of polarity massage and therapy will be seen in your every day life. A healthy lifestyle will be gained by the diet and exercise. Also since you will be eating better, getting more exercise and rebalancing the body's energies through polarity massage you will have increased activity levels, better health and a general feeling of well-being.
Polarity massage can be performed on a client who is fully clothed. The massage is based upon the soft touching of specific areas of the body to induce the proper energy restoration. This touch can be done while the patient is clothed. Some rocking and point specific touching of the spine or the body may also be done to help the body heal itself.