How to Use Honey Medicinally

Long before we "discovered" honey's many medicinal uses, primitive man knew the secret of the bees. Honey has been used as a healer for thousands of years by tribes and natives all over the planet. The sticky, amber-colored bee vomit is antibiotic, antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal. It is perfect for many medicinal uses. Honey fights infection and kills antibiotic-resistant microbes and bacteria. Honey never spoils. It may crystallize but, it never goes rancid. Heat it up and no matter how old it is, it will taste as honey should, and be effective in healing.


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      Treat a cough and sore throat by giving the sufferer 1 tsp. of honey with a squeeze of lemon juice as needed. Honey kills bacteria in the throat and relieves a cough.

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      Apply honey to minor (and major) burns to kill bacteria and speed healing of the wound faster than normal means. Using honey to aid burns also lessens scarring upon healing.

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      Make up a hot drink with 1 tbsp. of honey, 1 tsp. of lemon juice and 1 tsp. of apple cider vinegar to aid in weight loss. Drink everyday for maximum effect.

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      Apply sparingly as a diaper rash ointment to kill bacteria and germs, speeding healing of baby's bottom.

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      Mix honey with whipped egg white and apply to face as a scrub to eliminate bacteria and grease.

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      Treat leg ulcers with honey to halt infection, kill bacteria, or heal with less scarring.

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      Apply to athlete's foot as you would with antifungal creams or spray. Honey's antifungal properties kill fungus naturally.

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