How to Give Yourself a Neck Massage
Loosen up your neck before you give yourself a neck massage, slowly stretching it forward, backward and side-to-side.
Pour some massage oil into your hands and rub the oil between them to warm it (though you can give yourself a neck massage without it).
Flatten your right hand and mold it to the back of your neck. Your fingers should be facing toward your left side and wrapped around that side of your neck. Gently but firmly pull your hand to the right, down toward your chest, using your palm and fingers to apply pressure to the neck as you go. Then do the same with your left hand. Alternate each hand repeatedly in the same sweeping motion several times.
Make fists and use the fleshy side of them to gently but firmly pummel your neck. Start at the bottom where your neck meets your shoulders and work your way up toward the base of your head. Retrace your steps back down your neck. Repeat several times.
Place the tips of your right index, middle and ring fingers on the right side of your neck, at its base where it meets the shoulders. Use your fingertips to make small circular motions, working your way up the neck as you go. Retrace your steps back down. Repeat three times. Then do the same with your left fingers on the left side of your neck.
Place both your right and left index, middle and ring fingers on your neck, at its base where it meets your shoulders. In one slow sweeping motion, slide your fingertips up the length of your neck and back down again. Repeat several times.
Repeat Step Three, using your palms and fingers to make sweeping motions across your neck.
Repeat Step One, giving your neck a gentle stretch to end the massage.