How to Give Yourself a Face Massage
Lie down in a comfortable position, your head propped on a pillow, when you want to give yourself a face massage.
Pour some massage oil into your hands and rub the oil between them to warm it.
Apply the oil all over your face in soft, sweeping motions.
Place the fingertips of both hands on your forehead. Gently but firmly move your right-hand fingers in a counterclockwise circular motion, then move your left-hand fingers in a clockwise circular motion. Repeat the alternating of these circular motions all over your forehead area for several moments.
Turn your palms up toward the ceiling and place each thumb on the inside end of your eyebrow, just underneath the brow bone on either side of your nose. Firmly but gently slide your thumbs across each brow, out toward your ears. Lighten the pressure when you reach your temples. Repeat several times.
Find the top of each cheekbone. Place the fingertips of both hands just underneath the bone. Gently but firmly make circular motions as you move your way down across your face, in toward your mouth and nose. Keep your fingers focused on the fleshy area just underneath each cheekbone. Repeat several times.
Put each thumb on the fleshy part of your jaw. If you have trouble finding it, lightly clench your teeth. Wherever you feel the muscle tighten is where you want your thumbs to be. Jaw relaxed, gently press down into the muscle then make small circular motions for a few moments.
Knead your chin. Place both index fingers on the top of your chin and your thumbs underneath, as though you are holding your chin between each finger and thumb. Knead for several moments.
Flatten each hand and place them on either side of your face. The bottom of your hands (where your hands meets your wrists) should be on your chin, your palms on your cheeks and your fingertips on your temples. In a gentle sweeping motion, slide your hands up toward the crown of your head. Repeat several times.
Place your fingertips at the top of your forehead. Light as a feather, move them down the length of your face. Repeat several times to finish your face massage.