How to Enhance Dreams
Things You'll Need
- Bed
- Full night sleep
- Paper
- Pen
- Tape Recorder (optional)
How to Enhance Dreams
Once waking from sleep, the simples why to enhance dream recall is to keep pen and paper by the bedside and write down everything you can remember. This can be anything from a small detail to full sequences.
Another way to help recall dreams is to use a recorder to talk about the dream as well as writing down the dream. The process helps you remember the dreams which will lead to enhanced dreaming.
Improving your memory of dreams is to make a review of the day’s events in the evening before going to sleep. Your review can be written in your journal or shared with your partner. Focus on interactions and events that provoked strong feelings. This can make you more sensitive to the issues you’re most likely to dream about and heighten the probability that you’ll remember a dream. At the same time as your evening review, you may also want to picture the faces of the people who are most important to you and about whom you are most likely to dream. Visualizing them will sensitize you to the issues and feelings that are dominant in those relationships. This process will help you establish linkages between your dreams and the challenging aspects of your close relationships.
If you are having difficulty remembering your dreams, try to relax in the evening by listening to music, taking a bath, or practicing relaxation or meditation exercises. Avoid alcohol, drugs, and medications, and limit your caffeine intake, as these suppress dreaming. As you are falling asleep, give yourself a simple suggestion that you will remember your dreams in the morning. This suggestion strengthens your intention and reminds you to remain alert and ready to receive dreams when you awaken.
When you awaken, reserve a few quiet moments and lie still with your eyes closed or unfocused. Some people find it helpful to stay in the same position in which they awoke and to avoid turning. You can linger in a half-dream state and your dream will often stay with you as you make a gentle transition from sleeping to waking. In the half-dream state of waking up or falling asleep, you may also see vivid images that are akin to dreams. The imagery can be enjoyable to witness and meaningful in much the same way as your dreams.