Ozone Sauna Treatment
Ozone Sauna Treatments in a Nutshell
Ozone is a natural molecule that is composed of three atoms of oxygen gas. It cannot be stored. It must be created artificially using an ozone generator by passing oxygen through an electric field. Ozone is a powerful sterilizing agent and is used in many standard air and water purification systems.
Ozone saunas are created by seating a person in an ozone sauna cabinet, with only their head visible, and introducing controlled amounts of ozone into the ozone sauna cabinet along with plenty of steam. The ozone allows the steam to surround the skin---now stimulated by the ozone---so the ozone can be absorbed through your pores. The ozone sauna treatment can last 30 to 50 minutes, with benefits said to be evident after the first treatment.
Once inside your body, the ozone works to stimulate the cells and promotes the ejection of toxins and waste. The "Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Oxford Journal" says ozone sauna therapy successfully helped with the oxygenation and treatment of cancerous tumors, and should be studied further as an adjunct to chemotherapy.
Benefits of Ozone Sauna Treatments
Proponents of ozone sauna treatments say the treatments improve blood circulation, relax and loosen muscles, promote weight loss---which seems logical because the steam makes you sweat---kill viruses, and increase the immune system by over 50 percent. Being in an ozone steam sauna is also relaxing and promotes normal detoxification through sweating.
Ozone Sauna Practitioners
Because ozone sauna treatments are a nonconventional way to detoxify the body, ozone sauna practitioners are hard to find. Healthsalon.org lists several ozone sauna practitioners across the United States.
Ozone treatments can cost anywhere from $50 to $100 dollars, and you can go as often as once or twice a week.
If you cannot find an ozone sauna practitioner near you, you could investigate purchasing your own ozone sauna cabinet. Arrowheadhealthworks.com has a thorough ozone sauna buying guide to help you decide. Ozone Sauna Cabinets can cost from $1,700 to $8,100.
While ozone is considered an approved drug by the FDA, be advised that ozone gas can be harmful to the lungs, mucous membranes and eyes.