Why is your palms a different color from skin?

Palms are not actually a different color from the rest of your skin. The difference in coloration is an optical illusion caused by the thickness of the skin on your palms. The skin on your palms is thicker than the skin on the rest of your body, and this thickness causes it to absorb more light. As a result, your palms appear to be a darker color than the rest of your skin.

In addition, the skin on your palms has fewer sebaceous glands than the skin on the rest of your body. Sebaceous glands produce oil, which helps to keep skin hydrated. The lack of sebaceous glands on your palms means that they are more prone to dryness, which can also contribute to the darker appearance of your palms.

Finally, the skin on your palms is constantly being subjected to friction, which can cause it to become thicker and darker. This is why the palms of people who work with their hands often appear to be darker than the palms of people who do not.

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