What is the recommended practice when a tablet dropped or spoilt?

When a tablet drops or gets spoiled, it is important to take proper steps to minimize damage and ensure your own safety. Here are the recommended practices in such situations:

1. Power off the Tablet: If the tablet is still on, power it off immediately. This will help prevent any further damage to internal components.

2. Avoid Touching the Screen: If the screen is cracked, avoid touching it with your fingers. Glass shards or other sharp edges could cause cuts.

3. Inspect for Damage: Examine the tablet for visible damage such as cracks, dents, or broken parts.

4. Secure the tablet: Place the tablet in a safe place to avoid further damage.

5. Contact Customer Service: If the tablet is still under warranty, contact the manufacturer's customer service. They may be able to provide repair services or a replacement.

6. Seek Professional Repair: If the tablet is not under warranty or the damage is significant, take it to a professional repair shop. They will have the necessary tools and expertise to fix it properly.

7. Use Protective Case: In the future, consider using a protective case to minimize the risk of damage from accidental drops.

8. Data Recovery: If the tablet is functional enough to be powered on, and the screen can be manipulated safely, you may consider attempting data recovery. Connect it to a computer using a USB cable and see if you can access any important files.

9. Recycle or Dispose Safely: If the tablet is beyond repair and not safe to use, properly recycle it or dispose of it according to your local regulations.

Remember, safety is a priority. If the tablet is severely damaged or unsafe to handle, avoid touching it and seek professional help.

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