How does the skin of palm or sole differ from scalp?
> * Epidermis:
- - Thicker than in other areas of the body.
- - Stratum corneum is very thick and contains a high concentration of keratin, which makes the skin tough and resistant to wear and tear.
- - Dermis:
-- Contains a dense network of collagen and elastin fibers, which provide strength and flexibility.
-- Sweat glands:
--- Numerous and produce a thick, viscous sweat that helps to keep the skin moist and prevents it from cracking.
-- Sebaceous glands:
--- Absent.
-- Hair follicles:
-- Absent.
-- Nerve endings:
--- Numerous and sensitive to touch, pressure, and temperature.
Skin of the scalp
> * Epidermis:
- -Thinner than the epidermis of the palm and sole.
- -Stratum corneum is thinner and contains less keratin.
- Dermis:
- Less dense network of collagen and elastin fibers.
-- Sweat glands:
-- Numerous and produce a thin, watery sweat that evaporates quickly.
-- Sebaceous glands:
-- Present and secrete an oily substance called sebum that helps to keep the hair and scalp moist.
-- Hair follicles:
-- Numerous and produce hair.
-- Nerve endings:
-- Numerous and sensitive to touch, pressure, and temperature.
In summary, the skin of the palm and sole is thicker, tougher, and more resistant to wear and tear than the skin of the scalp. This is due to differences in the thickness of the epidermis, the density of the dermis, and the presence or absence of hair follicles and sebaceous glands.
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