How can you tell if broke your thumb?
1. Pain: You may experience pain in the thumb, especially near the base. The pain may be sharp and intense.
2. Swelling: The thumb may swell up, making it appear larger than usual.
3. Bruising: The skin around the thumb may become discoloured or bruised due to blood leakage from a damaged tissue.
4. Tenderness: The thumb may feel tender to the touch.
5. Difficulty Moving: You may have difficulty moving your thumb, particularly when trying to bend or straighten it.
6. Limited Range of Motion: You may find it challenging to perform certain movements with your thumb, such as grasping objects or making a fist.
7. Deformity: In some cases, a broken thumb may cause the thumb to look crooked or deformed.
8. X-Ray: In order to confirm a fracture or evaluate the severity of the break, a medical professional will likely recommend an X-ray.
If you suspect that you may have broken your thumb, it's important to seek medical attention as soon as possible to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment. Early evaluation and appropriate medical care can help speed up the healing process and prevent complications. A healthcare professional can provide the best guidance and treatment options for your specific situation.