Back Massage Hints & Tips
One of the most essential massage tips does not even involve the techniques used, it involves the environment where the massage is performed. In order to efficiently relax the body, the mind should be relaxed as well. It is important to ensure that the massage takes place in a quiet, comfortable and relaxed space. Normally, a firm, but comfortable surface should be used. This often includes a bed, massage table or mat on the floor. A pillow or cushion can also be used if the person finds it more comfortable. Cushions are also commonly used under extremities throughout the body that are uncomfortable. This might include the lower back, ankles, legs or shoulders.
One technique---known as "whole hand effleurage"---uses the surface of both hands together. Starting with the lower back, move your hands firmly towards the neck. Follow this with gentle circular motions around the entire back for up to 10 minutes. An alternative technique for deeper penetration is performing effleurage (a French word meaning "to skim") with the heels of the hands. Starting with the lower back, move both hands in circles outwards and upwards and then return towards the center. Perform this going up the back for around five minutes.
Another option is to bypass the hands all together and use the forearms. Start by placing your forearms perpendicular with the direction of the body. Apply downward pressure with the left forearm onto the lower back using it to stabilize your body. Move the right arm in a parallel direction over the entire back, moving it back and forth to massage the back.
Just as loud and upbeat music causes a loud and upbeat attitude, so does touch to the muscles. The key to a massage is to ensure that your hands mimic the "attitude" you desire to give the person getting the massage. As most massages are designed to be relaxing, slower and deep penetrating movements will dictate a calm and soothing response.
Also ensure that all your fingers are giving support to the thumb or fingers that are applying the pressure. As deep tissue massages can quickly tire a single finger, it is important that the other fingers provide backup strength. Pressure should be applied relatively hard; however, not to the point where the massage is uncomfortable. Knots or lumps within the muscles should be rubbed with slightly more force than the rest of the body.