Exercises for Prostate Health
Reducing Mortality
The most serious prostate-related condition is prostate cancer. Patients with this potentially life-threatening disease may be able to improve their chances of surviving with regular exercise, according to ScienceDaily.com.
Men with prostate cancer should perform a few minutes of exercise each day, or a half-hour or more each week. In 2009, researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found that by doing so, men could improve their chances of surviving prostate cancer by 35 percent.
Begin jogging, biking, swimming or playing a sport such as tennis to fulfill these exercise requirements. Simply walking for a total of four hours per week will reduce the risk of death by all diseases by 23 percent, according to the findings in the study.
Simple Relief
Whether you are looking to relieve a prostate condition or simply encourage prostate health, increasing blood flow to the prostate and surrounding muscles can dramatically improve the way you feel, according to Prostate-Massage-And-Health.com.
Supply your prostate with fresh, oxygen-rich blood by performing one easy exercise. Stand up and take some deep breaths. Exhale until you've pushed all the air out of your lungs, then pull your stomach in and up, as far as you can. Do not breathe in yet.
While in this position, try to contract the muscles in your sides as well. The idea is to lift all of your internal organs up and use your muscles to hold them there. Gravity pulls down on your organs, which are piled up on top of your prostate. This exercise relieves the pressure, allowing uninterrupted blood flow to the compressed areas and building abdominal muscles to help lift them permanently.
Pull up with your muscles as hard as you can for as long as you can. You should feel tension in the muscles in your abs, around your pubic bone and in your sides and lower back. Once you have done the exercise for as long as possible, relax and resume normal breathing. You do not need to perform this exercise for more than around 15 seconds for it to work.
Wait for about a minute and repeat the exercise. When you have pain related to prostate problems, perform this routine up to 10 times per day.