What do doctors check in girl physicals?
General Physical Examination:
Vital signs: Blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature.
Height and weight: Monitoring growth and development.
Head and neck examination: Inspection of the eyes, ears, nose, and throat.
Lymph nodes: Check for any enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, or groin.
Palpation of the abdomen: Feeling the abdomen for any masses or abnormalities.
Skin: Examination for any rashes, lesions, or skin conditions.
Reproductive and Gynecological Examination (for adolescents and older):
Breast examination: Visual inspection and palpation of the breasts to check for abnormalities.
Pelvic examination: A comprehensive examination of the reproductive organs, including the external genitalia, vagina, cervix, and uterus. This may involve visual inspection using a speculum and may or may not include a Pap smear, which tests for cervical cancer.
Testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs): If sexually active, testing for common STIs may be recommended.
Other Tests or Screenings:
Vision screening: Testing for visual acuity and any vision issues.
Hearing screening: Checking for hearing impairment or abnormalities.
Blood pressure screening: Monitoring blood pressure for potential hypertension.
Nutrition assessment: Discussing diet and eating habits to evaluate nutritional status.
Immunization status: Review of immunization records and administration of recommended vaccines.
Developmental assessment: Evaluation of developmental milestones in younger girls.
Mental health screening: Addressing emotional well-being and identifying any mental health concerns.
The scope and focus of a girl's physical may vary depending on her age, individual health needs, and any specific concerns brought to the doctor's attention. Regular physical examinations are important for maintaining girls' overall health and identifying any potential health issues early on.
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