Portable Hyperbaric Chamber Instructions
Hyperbaric therapy places you in a sealed chamber with an increased oxygen content to elevate oxygen levels in your blood. Hyperbaric therapy may serve as a method to treat certain chronic conditions, improve wound healing and train for high-altitude athletic events. Only use hyperbaric oxygen therapy under a doctor's supervision, and follow manufacturer instructions closely for your specific portable hyperbaric chamber. Portable hyperbaric chambers are only approved to treat altitude sickness.Instructions
Consult with your doctor before beginning hyperbaric therapy. If you have ear problems, chronic disease or seizure disorders, you may be at a higher risk of side effects, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Assemble your portable hyperbaric chamber according to the manufacturer's directions.
Turn on the air compressor to increase the pressure in your hyperbaric chamber. Typical values range between 1.3 and 1.5 atmospheres of pressure, according to Healing Dives, a portable hyperbaric chamber manufacturer.
Enter the hyperbaric chamber, and seal the entrance to prevent pressure from leaking.
Adjust the pressure in your ears as you would on an airplane ride for comfort.
Remain in the chamber for 60 to 90 minutes, then repeat as instructed by your doctor. For acute altitude sickness, two sessions a day for five to seven days per week is a typical regimen, according to Healing Dives.