What Are Inversion Tools?

Inversion tools are used as part of therapy for extending and stretching the back. In this therapy, the body is inverted or put upside down or in the opposite position. Inversion tools work with gravity instead of against it, according to Massage Therapy 101. Inversion tools help to stretch out all the muscles in your back and also decompress your spine. Other benefits of using inversion tools include a decrease in muscle tension and improved posture.
  1. Bodylift

    • The Bodylift is an inversion tool that helps people achieve a yoga headstand position, according to Evolution Health. The Bodylift is a structure that includes a foam cushion, on which the shoulders rest while in the inverted headstand position. This inversion tool permits one to perform a yoga headstand while the head dangles just inches off the floor and the hands grasp the Bodylift's front legs. This inversion tool should be set up in front of a door or wall for support.

    Inversion Table

    • An inversion table is an inversion tool that allows users to rotate using a pivot system. Users clamp their ankles in and shift their arms to rotate the inversion table to any angle of their choosing. Full inversion is also possible, which is achieved when the body is inverted to a 90-degree angle. From this position, you can also perform additional exercises like sit-ups and even squats.


    • The OmGym is an inversion tool that features a yoga sling system with six handle grips. You can use this sling system to obtain all kinds of yoga positions, but the primary purpose of the tool is to suspend yourself upside down hanging from either your legs or your ankles. By placing your arms behind your head or reaching back and grasping any of the handle grips you can perform a variety of stretches. This inversion tool, according to Evolution Health, provides you with improved coordination, flexibility and balance.

    Inversion Swing

    • Created from materials tough enough to hold thousands of pounds, the Inversion Swing is yet another inversion tool option. This inversion tool attaches to a door frame and features a swing that dangles down. The swing is designed to support your weight as you sit on the swing and invert your body and wrap your legs around the ropes that suspend from the ceiling. As you are hanging, you can do exercises like sit-ups and leg lifts.

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