How to Make a Slant Board

You may have seen slant boards in gyms, which some use to do sit-ups, for instance. Slant boards lie on an angle, so your head sits lower than the rest of your body. In 1933, Bernard Jensen, D.C., PhD., N.D., first theorized that slant boards not only correct health problems as you invert your body, but benefit your health by relieving your body's organs of stress caused by being vertical most of the time. Slant boards, it is believed, can increase blood flow to your brain, which many believe is vital for health. Make a slant board inexpensively in your home with just a few items.

Things You'll Need

  • Sturdy piece of wood
  • Thick protective gloves
  • Oven mitt (optional)
  • Ruler
  • Utility knife
  • Foam
  • Fabric
  • Scissors
  • Duct tape
  • Staple gun (optional)
  • Industrial grade hook and loop fastener
  • Chair
  • Stool (optional)
  • Stair step (optional)
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    • 1

      Get a piece of wood a little longer than the length of your body. For instance, if you are 5 foot 8 inches tall, your piece of wood should be around 72 inches long. The wood should also be wide enough for your body. Have the wood measured and cut at a home improvement store.

    • 2

      Put on a thick, protective glove or oven mitt on the hand holding the ruler, pick up a utility knife, and then slowly and carefully cut a piece of foam the same length as the wood, using the ruler as a straight edge. Utility knives have a small, sharp removable blade, which fits into a plastic holder or a pen-like metal tool. These knives cut effortlessly through the foam, so you need to protect your opposite hand and fingers with a thick glove or mitt, in case you slip. If you make a mistake while cutting the foam, it will be disguised by the fabric you add.

    • 3

      Place your fabric of choice on the floor or working surface, with the reverse side facing up towards you. Center your piece of foam on top of the fabric, pull up the fabric on all sides so the fabric covers the sides and a portion of the foam's back, and then cut off the excess fabric using scissors.

    • 4

      Ensure you have the fabric taut on the foam by pulling it towards the foam's center. Fold the cut edges of the fabric once, and then secure the folded, cut fabric around your foam with duct tape. This side of the foam will not be visible, so it does not have to look perfect. Use a staple gun to secure thicker fabrics if necessary.

    • 5

      Cut industrial-grade Velcro fastener into squares using scissors. Stick a square with the loops, which look fuzzy, onto each of the four corners of the foam where you do not have duct tape.

    • 6

      Cut squares of Velcro with the spikes and hooks, and then place a square face down on the fuzzy, loop squares you already secured on the back of the foam. The hooks on the squares will stick to the loops on the other squares.

    • 7

      Remove the protective backing from the hook squares, turn the entire covered foam over, and then attach the foam to the piece of wood. Press the foam where you have the Velcro hook and loop fasteners firmly and securely onto the wood.

    • 8

      Prop your cushioned slant board at an angle with one end on the floor and the opposite end propped on a stool, stair step or chair. When you position yourself on your slant board, you will lie on your back with your head at the end towards the floor.

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