Back Stretcher Instructions
Things You'll Need
- Long stick (such as a mop or broom handle)
- Exercise bar (optional)
Stretching the Back Without Tools
If you can't reach the floor, bend your knees and then attempt to straighten them. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and try to touch the floor. Let yourself hang comfortably and lightly into the stretch, and let yourself feel any tightness in the back muscles. When it is comfortable, lean further into the stretch. If you cannot reach the floor, bend your knees until you can touch the floor and support yourself. Now that you are stable, straighten your knees as much as you can. Take note of tightness in your legs and calves, which adds pressure to your back.
Stand with your back against a wall or door. Take note of the arch of your lower back away from the wall. Try to push your lower back against the wall. Contract the abdominal muscles and bend the knees if necessary to allow the lower back to touch the wall. With your lower back touching the wall, work toward having your shoulders touch the wall at the same time.
Crouch down like a baseball catcher. Use a wall or furniture for balance or assistance if you need to. Your feet will naturally raise on to the balls and toes. Over time, work towards lowering your heels to the floor.
Kneel on the floor on your hands and knees. Lower your head to the floor, and push your rear toward your feet. Go slow, plant your elbows on the floor and allow them to support you as you lean your behind toward your feet. Extend your arms, palms on the floor, raising your elbows to push yourself further back toward your feet.
Lay on your back on the floor. Raise your knees to your chest in a fetal position. Hug your knees with your arms, and roll onto your side, first on to one side and then the other.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and raise both hands above your head with your palms facing. Lift your shoulders up and back in a slow stretch. Lower one hand, and lean over in that direction while reaching over your head with the raised hand. Repeat this exercise with the other hand.
Stretching the Back Using Tools
Stand in a doorway, and grip the overhead molding with your hands. Slowly lean your body forward into the doorway. Return to your starting position, and turn your hips slowly to your right and then left, feeling a stretch each time. Return to your starting position, and slowly bend your knees, allowing your body weight to stretch your trunk.
Place your hands behind your head, and place your elbows on the sides of the doorway. Lean your body into the doorway slowly, feeling the stretch. If your arms are not long enough to reach the outside of the doorway, perform this stretch using one arm at a time.
Use a long stick such as a mop handle to assist your stretching. The stick can be used to help you balance. You can hold the stick in front of you and use it to assist you bending over if you are particularly stiff. Walk your hands up and down the stick to bend over and raise up. Hold the stick with both hands shoulder-width apart, and raise it over your head to align your shoulders or to assist with side bends.
Use a belt, towel or resistance band to assist you with stretching. Sit on the floor, and loop the band around your feet to pull yourself forward into a stretch. You can also perform this exercise standing with your feet on the towel or band. Use the band to stretch put arms by gripping it in both hands and pulling outward. This resistance helps free tension in the arms and shoulders, which put pressure on the back.
Install an exercise bar that can support your entire body weight if you have the means. Hanging from the exercise bar and slowly applying your body weight will provide a stretch to the intercostal muscles between ribs.