Massage Modalities & Parkinson's Disease
A 2002 study from the Touch Research Institute showed that Parkinson's patients who received massage rated themselves as having improved daily functioning and less disturbed sleep.
Massage Modalities
The September/October 2005 issue of Massage Magazine includes an article that reports effective results for Parkinson's disease with these massage modalities: deep-tissue massage, reflexology, Jin Shin Jyutsu, raindrop massage, Swedish massage, and Watsu.
Choice of Massage
In considering massage modalities and Parkinson's disease, be aware that different types of massage may work best for different individuals. A properly trained massage therapist will take many factors about a person into account when giving a massage.
Additional Benefits
Massage also provides stress-relief and relaxation, an important consideration for a person with a degenerative disease.
A Massage Therapist's Guide to Pathology recommends that massage for Parkinson's be done only under a doctor's supervision. Care is also needed for people whose limited mobility may make it difficult to get on and off a massage table.