Psychological Benefits of Massage
Stress Reduction
One psychological benefit of massage is the reduction of anxiety or nervousness. Massage fosters relaxation and places a person at ease by reducing mental stress. The relaxation that comes from a massage happens because of the biological effects of direct manual pressure and movement of the hands. The right pressure and movement increase blood circulation, oxygen, and lower a person's heart rate and blood pressure. Millions of Americans suffer from stress, and massage is a holistic treatment for this condition.
Eating Disorders
"Psychology Today" examined the surprising benefits that massage therapy had on mental conditions such as eating disorders. The article explained that massage therapy boosts the levels of dopamine and serotonin---while decreasing stress-hormone levels. The result is a happier patient who can better cope with his or her eating disorder.
Physical Benefits
There are many physical benefits of massage as well. A massage can relieve muscle tension, reduce muscle spasms, and provide greater joint flexibility. Several medical conditions such as chronic back pain, tension headaches, and even hypertension can be alleviated with proper massage therapy.
There are several types of massages that a person can receive from a professional masseuse. Some of the most common massages are therapeutic: Shiatsu, Swedish, and reflexology. One particular massage that is perfect for cold winter months is a hot-stone massage that is used to relieve sore, achy muscles.
There are currently no studies that prove massage can treat depression. However, some people report a lessening of their depression symptoms after receiving a massage. According to the National Institute of Biotechnology, individuals who desire to treat depression with alternative medicine may find acupuncture more effective than massage therapy.
Although massage is generally safe, massage isn't for everyone. People with certain conditions will find massage therapy dangerous. Individuals who have had a recent heart attack, unhealed fractures, severe osteoporosis, burns or open wounds should speak with a physician before they receive a massage. An individual should always discuss any medical conditions that he or she has with the massage therapist prior to getting a massage.