How to Give a Great Back Massage
Things You'll Need
- Massage oil
Decide on where you are going to give the back massage. Because massage oil is going to be used, the area should be protected from spilled or dripping massage oil. The area can be protected by large towels or a blanket that will be washed later.
Have the person who is going to get the massage remove any clothing that is covering the upper part of the body, and lie face down. A great back massage can also be given to someone sitting in a chair, but a prone position generally helps with relaxation. Note that it's a good idea to give your great back massage in a warm place.
Warm your hands by rubbing them vigorously together. A great back massage does not begin with a shudder from someone who feels cold hands on the back.
Apply a small portion of massage oil to the back. Begin rubbing the oil across the skin. Alternate between using the tips of your fingers and the palms of your hands.
Alternate between rubbing back and forth and rubbing in circular motions. Vary the pressure of your palms and fingers on the skin. Make sure you spend extra time on the shoulder muscles, because they require more time to work the tension out.
Rub, poke and prod the skin across the back and down to the small of the back. Make sure to hit all of the areas of the back, and apply more massage oil when you find dry spots.
Continue for as long as you can. A massage that lasts 10 or 15 minutes can be considered a great back massage.