How to Do Achilles Tendon Strengthening Exercises
Warm up the Achilles tendon and leg muscles by walking slow for 10 minutes before specifically exercising the tendons to strengthen them.
Step with the balls of your feet onto a stair where you can hold onto the wall or a railing, or step onto a large, thick book, like a big telephone directory. The heel needs space to drop below the top level of the stair or the book.
Stretch the heel down while keeping the feet about 6 inches apart and pointed straight ahead.
Reverse this action by pulling way up onto the balls of your feet.
Repeat Steps 3 and 4 about 10 times each the first day. Increase in slow increments on the following days.
Hold the top of the foot with your hand and stretch the front leg muscles by pulling the foot back and up toward the hips for about 15 seconds.
Place the heel of your foot on a chair and, keeping your toes pointed up and your back straight, lean forward and feel the stretch in the Achilles tendon and back of the leg. Hold this for 15 seconds.