How to Use Physical Therapy to Treat Spine Problems
Things You'll Need
- Computer with Internet access
Choose Physical Therapy to Reduce Spine Pain
Use hot and cold therapy to assist with pain relief. Heat alone will not heal spine injury.
Learn proper exercise techniques from a certified physical therapist. Stretching and adjustments in posture will reduce the pressure on the irritated nerve, diminishing spine pain.
Heed the self help advice from your physical therapist to supplement in office treatments.
Increase your participation in exercise as directed by the physical therapist.
Understand Complimentary Therapy Procedures
Use hydrotherapy to diminish spinal discomfort. Faster healing times are associated with hydrotherapy.
Ask about computerized traction equipment to release pressure on the spine. Using traction can aid the physical therapists ability to make proper adjustments to the lumbar region.
Inquire about inversion therapy for spine pain. Inversion gently shifts the force of gravity away from your spine and increases blood flow while providing relief. Inversion tables can be purchased for moderate prices.
Look in to epidural cortisone injections to treat back pain. They can provide temporary but immediate pain relief.
Learn Spine Stretches
Sit with your legs outstretched and together. Bend your left knee and cross your left leg over your right. Your left foot should touch your right knee.
Bend your right elbow is and rest it on the outer side of your left knee. Your left hand is stretched back, palm flat on floor.
Stretch your right hand to grasp your left foot, with your elbow touching your left knee.
Place your left hand behind back with the back of your hand touching spine. Inhale.
Hold both your breath and the pose for 5 seconds. Exhale while turning your head forward and down to relax.
Visit the "Spine Health" Web site to learn more information regarding physical therapy to reduce spine pain (see Resources below).