Can you retake USMLE step 1?
Eligibility for Retaking Step 1
- Candidates who have withdrawn their previously scheduled Step 1 examination.
- Candidates whose Step 1 examination has been cancelled or invalidated by the examination process, including technical difficulties or health impairment at the time of the exam.
- Candidates who have failed the Step 1 exam can retake the exam with a permit from the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME).
Permits for Retaking Step 1
- Those required to obtain a retake permit can create an account with the NBME permitting system and pay a fee.
- Once the retake application is approved by the NBME, the candidate can schedule a retake exam date at a test center.
Number of Step 1 Retakes Allowed
- Candidates are allowed a maximum of six attempts to pass Step 1.
- If a candidate fails Step 1 on the sixth attempt, they will not be eligible to take the exam again unless they successfully complete a remediation program approved by the NBME.
Scheduling Retaken Step 1 Exams
- Candidates can retake the Step 1 exam only after 60 days from the date of the most recent exam they took or attempted to take.
- Each attempt (whether passing or failing) counts towards the limit of six attempts.
- Candidates who withdraw from a scheduled exam or whose exam is canceled or invalidated for any reason are exempted from the 60-day waiting period.
It's important to note that the specific policies and procedures for retaking the USMLE Step 1 exam may be subject to change, so candidates should always refer to the official sources provided by the NBME and Educational Commission of Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) for the most up-to-date information.