Qigong Exercises for Eyes
10 Minute Eye Relief
If possible, perform this exercise outside to gain balance between nature and your internal environment. If you cannot go outside, stand near a window where you can see at least one tree. You can sit or stand, as long as you are in a comfortable and well-grounded posture. With eyes open, shift your eyes to look as far left and then as far right as possible without moving your head. Repeat nine times. Move your eyes in clockwise circles, then counterclockwise, nine times each. Then, keeping your head still, look as far up and as far down as possible, also repeating nine times. All of these movements should be done very slowly.
Close your eyes and find the indention in the rim of your eye socket, just above the tear duct. Place your forefingers firmly into that indention and massage in nine tiny forward circles and then reverse the direction. Move your fingers down along the eye socket to the point just below your pupils. Massage first toward the nose, then away from the nose nine times each. Bring your fingertips to the meridian point in the center of each eyebrow, called the Zenzhu. Massage inward and outward nine times each.
Slowly open your eyes and find a tree or bush on which to focus, preferably about 30 feet away. Fix your gaze on a single leaf and stare for three to five minutes. Try to cultivate a feeling of peaceful gratitude. When time is up, rub your hands together briskly, creating some heat. Press the palms over your eyes to bring energy and heat into the eyes. End with a moment of gratitude for the tree and the time you have taken to help improve the health and appearance of your eyes.