How to Project Chi in Qi Gong
Entering the State of Qi Cultivation
Breathe slowly, deeply and deliberately, filling your lungs with qi-enriched air.
Bring your thoughts into the moment by focusing on the rhythm of your breath.
Rub your hands together vigorously until you're able to generate a stable heat.
Slowly move your hands apart six inches and pretend you're holding a small ball. Then passively observe the sensations you experience between your hands as qi flows from one hand to the other. Imagine the ball growing in intensity.
Transmitting Qi Through Touch
Enter your state of qi cultivation.
Gently place your hands on the qi recipient's troubled area. If there is no specific area of concern, simply place your hands on the recipient.
Visualize the person you're touching as filling up with renewed energy. Imagine the equilibrium returning to their physical imbalances. Picture them as healthy, active and full of life.
Transmitting Qi Using Massage
Enter your state of qi cultivation.
Direct the qi recipient to lie face down (on a bed, on a mat on the floor or on a massage table if you have one) and get comfortable.
Visualize the person you are working with as growing replenished. In your mind's eye, see them as strong, fit and emotionally at peace as you go about your massage movements.
Transmitting Qi Through Near-touch
Enter your state of qi cultivation.
Direct the qi recipient to stand in front of you and close her eyes.
Hold your hands two to three inches away from the back of the recipient's head. Then, without touching the recipient, vigorously sweep your hands down her back. At the end of the sweep, flick your wrist downward. Continue to repeat this motion until you feel stagnant qi is cleared.
Form a ball of qi within your hands then place the ball around the recipient's head and slowly draw it down the body and back up. Allow the qi to pass from your hand, through the recipient's body, into your other hand. Continue until you feel the recipient being restored.
Stand behind the recipient holding your hands two to three inches away from the top of her head. Then, without touching the recipient, slowly and smoothly sweep your hands down the sides of her body. Continue to repeat until you feel a sense of coherence has been established.