How to Learn the Tai Chi Step Walk
Things You'll Need
- Shoes that assist balance
- A Tai Chi class, DVD, or book is recommended for further study.
Learning the Tai Chi Walk Step
The first step requires developing a deeper mental awareness of your body and the way it moves. Pay attention to how it feels when you walk normally and while you are learning the Tai Chi walk step. Concentration is key to practicing Tai Chi.
Practicing slowly shifting your weight from one leg to the other with deep mental concentration. Your arms should swing naturally beside your body. Breathe deeply with each step.
Bend your knees to a comfortable depth while maintaining your center of gravity. Hands should be palm down with the wrists straight. Shift your weight to the left foot. Step forward heel first.
To step backward, hands should be at a 90 degree angle at shoulder level with the palms facing up. Shift your weight to your left foot and step back. Your knee should stay very slightly bent and your back should remain straight.
To step with a turn, bend your knees to a comfortable depth, shift your weight to your right foot and turn your hip and left foot towards the left. Step forward and to the left with the heel landing first.