Qigong Bone Marrow Cleansing Exercise
Through aging and a poor diet, bone marrow can turn into fat, and having less marrow, bones tend to become weak and fragile. Encouraging qi to course through the bones enables the body to flush unnecessary fat and enables the regeneration of new marrow.
Posture is as important in qigong as breathing. When trying to achieve an ideal stance, there are a few things to bear in mind. Remember to keep your feet parallel with each other. Relax your jaw; do not clench your teeth. Slightly bend your knees, keep a slight spring in them when moving. Allow your hands to be drawn toward the ground naturally. The spine should stay erect and straight, head up; breath should be a natural flow. Cast your attention to the rhythm of your body and the flow of qi coursing through your blood stream.
Meditative Walking
Take a few deep breaths, allowing your abdomen to extend as you exhale. Start by lifting your heel, your knee then your foot as high as it will go. Coordinate your arms and legs to move together; for example, left leg with the left arm. Maintain your balance while keeping your body straight, head up and relaxed. When alternating sides, lower your heel first, then your knee and finally your foot. Do not overstep--it should all be very fluid. Go forward eight steps.
Walking backward 10 steps, you will lift your toe, knee, then foot as high as you can, remembering to coordinate--moving your right arm with your right leg, for example. Do not cross your feet; keep them apart. Lower the heel first, then knee, then foot. Once you get the rhythm of meditative walking, perform this as many times as you please. The gentle movement will allow your eyes to glaze and your thoughts to turn inward.
Things to Keep in Mind
All exercises should be performed slowly and rhythmically, allowing for the proper flow of qi throughout the body. This should be a relaxing experience, not stressful. As with any form of exercise, heed your body's warnings. If a position is uncomfortable, don't do it. Try to make it part of your routine by doing it at the same time everyday.
Although you could learn qigong from books or a DVD, it is best to find a trained qigong practitioner who can instruct proper techniques and ensure that you are doing the moves correctly.