Qi Gong Internal Healing
Qi Explained
Qi, or chi, is the life force present in all living things. Qi can be manipulated through acupuncture, acupressure, gua sau and cupping or through traditional Chinese medical herbs. In addition, there are exercises through which you can strengthen your qi, including general qi gong, tai chi chuan or other martial arts. The concept of qi is present in various cultures, and the "ki" in akido refers to the manipulation of the qi life force.
Qi and Physical Systems
An unbalanced qi or a qi that is too hot, warm, cool or cold can trigger symptoms in the form of physical disease. Conversely, a problem with an organ can trigger an imbalance in the qi. Traditional Chinese medical practitioners often sense a person's qi to diagnose internal physical problems.
Qi Balance
One problem with the qi could be an imbalance in yin and yang. For optimum health, yin and yang must be imbalance. If your qi is skewed toward one side or the other, it can both cause internal physical problems and be an indication of existing physical problems. Among other treatments, such as acupuncture and herbs, qi gong can help re-balance the qi.
Qi Heat
Qi can also be in other unbalanced states that can cause, or indicate, poor internal health. If your qi is unbalanced, it can be too hot, too warm, too cool or too cold. Each condition of the qi indicates a different treatment. Some treatments are dietary changes, herbal medicine and acupuncture. In addition, qi gong can be good for re-balancing the qi and for toning the qi to help avoid internal physical problems.
Qi Strengthening
Some people may actually have a weak qi. This condition is where qi gong, and its sub-practice of tai qi chuan, can be very effective. A weak qi is an indication and a cause of weak internal organs. By strengthening the qi, you are strengthening the health and vitality of your internal organs. Qi gong is the practice of gathering natural qi and integrating it with your own qi. It is the practice of strengthening and toning the qi, and thereby strengthening and toning your internal energy and organ systems.