How to Use Qi Gong Stretches for Energy
Start with a beginner's move called the autumn breeze. Stand with your feet shoulder length apart with your arms hanging loosely at your sides. Hold your head up straight.
Keep your knees slightly bent and curve your fingers toward your body. Breathe in and move your right arm out at your waist with your palm facing the 9:00 position.
Bring your left arm across your body with your palm facing down. Breathe out as you shift your weight and turn your body toward your left. Let your arms follow, then return to center. Breathe in and repeat on the other side.
Increase balance with the cloud hands stretching exercise. Your arms should be bent as you stand with your feet slightly apart and shift your weight from side to side.
Move each hand in a circular motion, one at a time. Breathe in as you move your hand up and breathe out as you return to center. Repeat on both sides.
Stretch your back and strengthen your core with Qi Gong backstretches. Stand with arms at your side and bring both hands up with palms facing down as you breathe in. Breathe out and face your palms outward. Keeping your wrists bent, breathe in as you lower your hands to your sides and breathe out as you straighten your palms.
Quiet your qi and lose all stress by standing with arms at sides and breathe in as you lower your head and keep lowing your body as you breathe out. Lay one hand over the other and raise them up slowly as you breathe in. Raise your hands over your head, breathing out. Lower back to your sides by breathing in, and then out as they return to the starting position.