Definition of a Reflexologist
It is necessary to understand what reflexology is in order to fully grasp the work of a reflexologist. The art of reflexology dates back to ancient times, although its exact origin remains uncertain. In recent times, reflexology has gained a renewed interest since its re-emergence as an alternative healing therapy. The reflexologist uses various hand techniques to apply physical pressure to specific points on the feet, hands and ears that correspond with different glands and organs of the body.
How It Works
According to the Ontario College of Reflexology, the natural electrical energy of the body works with the nervous system to remove blockages in corresponding zones when certain reflexes are stimulated. Manipulation of specific reflexes activates a parasympathetic response that returns the body to a state of homeostasis or balance.
Reflexology Session
A reflexologist does not diagnose specific illnesses or prescribe medication unless otherwise qualified to do so. The patient will be asked to remove his shoes and socks. The reflexologist normally performs a thorough examination of each hand and foot. She will stimulate each hand and foot through massage and pressure in different areas of the hands and feet. The amount of pressure used may vary according to the different reflex points. The session usually lasts approximately 45 minutes to an hour. The reflexologist may apply cream or oil such as olive oil to the feet at the end of the session.
Career Requirements
Reflexology continues to gain acceptance as a professionally recognized form of healing therapy. It can be an excellent career choice for people who are interested in alternative health professions. Patience and a commitment to helping others heal are also good qualities. Educational requirements include classes such as anatomy and physiology, instruction on the pressure points as well as practical experience. Passing scores on both written and practical experience exams are required for certification. Those who are interested in becoming a reflexologist should contact a reflexology association near them for more information, since requirements may vary from state to state.
The reflexologist must keep accurate client records. The records must be dated and kept confidential. A reflexologist must also practice excellent hygiene such as keeping the hands clean and nails trimmed.
The work environment of a reflexologist is not normally hazardous, but she could contract infection through bacteria present on the client's feet or if the patient has an open wound or sore. It is necessary for a reflexologist to take precautions and practice health safety measures that apply to any professional working in a health-related field.