Hand Reflexology Golf Ball Technique
Foot reflexology is much more well known than hand reflexology, but both are considered effective. The golf ball technique is simply a self-care method to apply pressure to points on the hand that will result in improvement of symptoms.
What Is Reflexology?
Modern reflexology was developed in the 1930s and uses gentle pressure to the hands and feet to bring about healing in other areas of the body. For the reflexologist, various sections of the hands and feet correspond to areas of the body. For example, applying pressure to the heel of the hand may relieve digestive upset. It is a noninvasive therapy, and there are no known side effects. In some ways, it is similar to acupressure in that the therapist applies pressure to areas of the body that are considered connected through "chi" to other areas of the body.
Hand Reflexology
Though foot reflexology is more well known, reflexology practitioners also work on hands. There are maps available that show which areas of the hand correspond to areas of the body, and so the practitioner can apply pressure to a certain area of the hand and expect relief in the corresponding area of the body. On the hands, fingers can be used to apply pressure, but for self-care, a golf ball can also be used.
The Golf Ball Technique: Introduction
Kevin and Barbara Kunz are two well-known reflexology practitioners who use and teach the golf ball technique. They note on their website, reflexology-research.com, that they have many anecdotal stories of clients satisfied with the golf ball technique. They regularly pass out golf balls at their seminars and workshops to let people feel its effects at once and try it for themselves.
The Golf Ball Technique: Method
This self-help technique can be used for many disorders, from gastric upset to sinus issues. Place a golf ball in the palms of the hands, and interlock the fingers. Roll the golf ball between the hands, applying pressure all over the palms of the hands. Experiment with different areas of the hands to see where you receive greatest relief from your symptoms. The Kunz's recommend trying to apply pressure on the palm of the hand below the thumb, for example, to relieve symptoms of sinus or headache.