What Is 3D Reflexology?
Reflexology holds that 10 longitudinal zones run the length of the human body, beginning at the head and extending to the ends of the fingers and toes. These zones are seen to be of equal width, extending from the front to the back of the body. The entire right side of the body is represented by the right foot, and the entire left side of the body is represented by the left foot. Since the spleen is only present on the left side of the body, it is only represented by the left foot. Likewise, paired organs such as the lungs are represented by both feet, respectively. Reflexology holds that all organs in the same zone can be affected by tension in any one part of that zone.
Holistic Approach
Reflexology is a holistic approach, assuming that if one area of the body is out of balance, problems also exist in the other areas. It holds that the whole body must be treated in order to heal from any existing problem within it. The aim of reflexology is to activate the body's own ability to heal itself in order to return it to its prior state of balance, or homeostasis.
How It Works
According to reflexology, the treatment works by using the same reflex sensors already present in the feet and hands for the purpose of a sudden need for "fight or flight" response during times of danger. The thumb, finger and hand are used to apply pressure to the feet and hands using specific manipulation techniques that promote relaxation and healing. No oil, cream or lotion are used in traditional reflexology. It is important to remember that reflexology is a treatment, not merely a foot massage.
According to reflexology, stress is the cause of most disease. Relaxation and stimulation brought about through reflexology therapy promote recovery from illness and disease and assist the body in rebuilding its energy resources. It also produces generally improved body health by activating the circulation and nervous systems, causing them to work more efficiently.
Reflexology can assist with relaxation, promote pain reduction, provide amelioration of symptoms related to health problems, rejuvenate tired feet, improve blood flow, positively impact physiological measures of blood pressure and cholesterol, and promote healing of the body following surgery. Reflexology can serve as an enhancement to medical care for cancer patients, be an adjunct to mental health treatment of problems such as depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder and can even aid in the delivery of a baby.
Reflexology Usage
Reflexology is meant to complement standard medical care and should not be used in place of it. Reflexology should be applied daily and must be consistent for best results. Your practitioner can provide a relaxing experience and educate you about what you should do between sessions. Best results require your commitment to the reflexology program and therapy method.