Health Benefits of Reflexology
Release of Enery Blocks
Reflexologists believe that disease is the result of blockages in energy pathways throughout the body. Reflexology is practiced in such as way as to restore the flow of this energy, creating balance and better overall health.
Provides Stress Relief
Having a reflexology session can be very relaxing and soothing. Having your feet massaged can reduce nervous tension and calm the body and mind.
Aids Digestion
There are specific points on the hands and feet that correspond to the digestive organs. Placing pressure on these points may help to relieve many types of digestive disorders.
Improves Circulation
The act of applying pressure to the hands and the feet will stimulate blood flow to the area. Increased blood flow brings not only blood, but the oxygen and nutrients it transports to all areas of the body, promoting healing.
Relives Pain
There are specific pressure points on the hands and feet that are connected to the head, back and joints in the body. Pressing on these points can sometimes relieve headaches, back pain, arthritis and other chronic pain conditions.
While not as relaxing as having a session with a professional, there are reflexology techniques that you can learn to self apply.