Benefits of the Human Touch

Before there were pharmaceutical companies and heavy diagnostic machinery, there were the benefits of human touch. Ancient civilizations understood the health advantages of massage and the healing properties of the human hand. Today, electric massage machines are sold by the thousands. Even human touch massage chairs have been developed to replicate those elusive soothing powers. Although these objects offer some relief, they cannot replace the true benefits of hand to skin contact.
  1. Identification

    • The largest organ of the human body is the skin. It assumes the role of protector, shielding our fragile frames and sensitive organs. It also provides us with our sense of touch. Nerve endings in the skin respond to the differing types of human touch, and these nerve endings can sense physical pain and discomfort as well as the soothing vibrations and pressures transmitted through the soothing hands of others. The benefits of human touch go well beyond the realm of massage and the relief of physical woes. It has been proven that a hug instead of a handshake--and a kiss on the forehead in place of a smile--can psychologically enhance mood and create a sense of overall well being.


    • The ancient Chinese are credited as the first civilization to incorporate the benefits of human touch into the realm of medicine and healing. The 'Ah Shi Points' closely resembles the neuromuscular therapy that is implemented by the physicians of today, and historians believe that the ancient Egyptians were the first to introduce the benefits of deep tissue massage. In the late 1800's the benefits of human touch were extensively studied in relation to the body's pressure points, and the role that they play in the relief of pain and acute illness.

      As society became more focused on synthetic medicines and advanced technology, interest in the ancient arts of healing began to dwindle. There has been a recent change in focus. As people begin to look towards greener ways of living, some are reverting back to alternative methods of healing to replace the chemical treatments that they have become accustomed to. Holistic centers are popping up all over the United States, and many Americans are giving them a try. It would seem that benefits of human touch are catching on once again.


    • The benefits of human touch create a very individual experience. Studies in babies and small children have concluded that those children that lacked a significant amount of human touch grew to be more aggressive and violent than those that were nurtured by a loving parent that supplemented that love with acts of human contact such as hugs, kisses and swaddling. Adolescents with behavioral disorders have also been helped by the benefits of human touch. Massage therapy has proven to reduce anxiety in these children and lessen the instances of defiance and frustration issues. Such therapies are also known to help adults to better deal with stress and the aches and pains that come with aging. Further studies have revealed that massage therapy can also help to free individuals from drug, alcohol and nicotine addiction.


    • Some patients who are undergoing treatments for cancer and other devastating illnesses are opting to give the benefits of human touch a try. Also known as touch therapy, slight movements of the fingers and palms of massage therapists help to renew the spirit and restore harmony in the bodies of those who are suffering. An increased immune system, quicker recovery times following chemotherapy and surgical procedures, relief from depression, and increased circulation are all among the many benefits that have been reported by those who choose to reap the benefits of human touch.


    • The benefits of human touch, in respect to massage or similar holistic relief practices, are sometimes overshadowed by the fact that they are falsely regarded as unnecessary or a forbidden form of human contact. However, there is no reason to feel embarrassment or shame in seeking the help of a professional massage therapist or certified practitioner of any of the healing arts. Touch therapy and massage are not about voodoo or sex. They are all about healing of the body, mind and spirit. You do not have to be naked to receive a massage. As a matter of fact; every effort is taken to ensure an optimal level of professionalism and comfort.

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