How to Perform Reflexology on Yourself
Reflexology is a wonderfully relaxing therapy that can help with stress, anxiety or various other ailments. It promotes well-being, and to put your feet in the hands of an experienced reflexologist is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. But if you find you cannot have reflexology performed on you by a reflexologist, for whatever the reason, you can still help yourself through reflexology by performing reflexology on yourself. It may not be as relaxing as having someone do it for you, but if you work on yourself you will reap its many other benefits. Here’s how to do reflexology on yourself.Things You'll Need
- Massage cream
Apply a bit of cream to both hands to make it easy for the hands to navigate across the skin.
With left palm facing up, place the four fingers of your right hand under your left hand and position right thumb at bottom, right corner of left hand. Press thumb into hand, moving thumb up, pressing again, pressing and advancing upwards until you reach the base of the pinkie. Starting again at the base of the left palm, one thumb width over to the left, press and advance upwards until you reach the base of the ring finger. Start again at the base of the left palm, one thumb width over to the left, and do the same movement up to the middle finger. Work up the forefinger the same way. When finished, rub left palm with right thumb, making small circular movements, until entire palm is covered. Press thumb into palm, one inch below the middle finger of the left hand and hold for a moment. Repeat this entire procedure on the right hand.
Slide right thumb between each knuckle on left hand, down to wrist and stop. Repeat on the right hand, using the left thumb.
Starting from the base of the fingernail on left thumb, press right thumb into finger and advance forward, pressing again after each advance. Stop at base of thumb. Do this on all other fingers of left hand, then work on the right hand using the left thumb.
Starting from the tip of the left thumb, palm facing up, press right thumb into finger, advancing forward, then pressing again after each advance. Stop at base of thumb. Do this on all other fingers of the left hand, then work on the right hand using the left thumb.
Press right thumb into side of left thumb, starting from the end of the thumb, moving down to the wrist, pressing again after each advance. Stop at wrist and then work on side of right thumb in the same way, using the left thumb.
Make small circular movements with right thumb, all over left palm, then press thumb into palm, one inch below the middle finger of the left hand and hold for a moment. Repeat this step on the right palm.