What if the epileptic takes up to 30 min come to?
1. Stay calm and don't panic. It is important to remain calm and focused in order to help the person.
2. Gently turn the person onto their side. This will help to prevent them from choking on their vomit.
3. Loosen any tight clothing around the person's neck. This will help them to breathe more easily.
4. Clear the area of any obstacles. This will help to prevent the person from injuring themselves further.
5. Do not put anything in the person's mouth. This could cause them to choke.
6. Do not try to restrain the person. This could cause further injury.
7. Stay with the person until they come to. Reassure them that they are safe and help them to remain calm.
After the person comes to, they may be confused and disoriented. Be patient and reassure them. Help them to sit or lie down in a comfortable position and give them a glass of water. They may also need to seek medical attention to evaluate for any underlying medical conditions.